Cincinnato: “Top Wine” & “Moneta” awarded by Slow Wine!

The Korì classic method sparkling wine produced by Cincinnato has received the “Top Wine – Vino Slow” recognition from the Slow Wine guide by Slow Food. Additionally, winery was honored as one of only 59 wineries in all of Italy to receive the Moneta award.

Cincinnato has been awarded by Slow Wine with the Moneta recognition. Cincinnato is one of the only 59 wineries around Italy to be awarded by Slow One with the Moneta recognition

Moneta is awarded annually to wineries that demonstrate excellent quality and an outstanding quality-to-price ratio. Cincinnato achieved this milestone following the prestigious Slow Wine tasting held in Milan! Korì stood out for its organoleptic qualities and its ability to represent the territory, history, and environment in which it is produced. The winery Cincinnato was one of the most notable new entries this year and was one of only two wineries from Lazio present at the prestigious tasting, alongside wineries from all over Italy.

Cincinnato ottiene il riconoscimento moneta nella Slow wine guide e Korì viene premiato con il premio Top Wine vino slow. Nella foto il premio conseguito dalla Cincinnato per Korì: top wine vino slow

The quality awarded by Slow Wine disclosing a hidden territory

Cincinnato’s classic method Korì is among the reasons of pride for the wine production of the Lazio region!

Korì is made from the pure vinification of the ancient native grape Bellone. The clayey and volcanic soil gives the Bellone particular aromas and notes.

Moreover, the sparkling method enhances these characteristics. Fermentation takes place by adding selected sugars and yeasts to the bottle, with aging on the lees for at least 36 months. Korì classic method sparkling wine stands out both nationally and internationally, thanks to the meticulous work behind its production.

The winery closely monitors its members with careful control of the production process, starting from the harvest and selection of the grapes that form the base of the sparkling wine recognized by the guide.

Cincinnato supports its members in the vineyard and during the harvest to ensure the highest quality in the winery processes.

The grapes are harvested annually in small crates to maintain the integrity of the berries. Additionally, an early harvest ensures the right acidity and a low sugar level. This allows the winery to achieve maximum freshness in the Korì.

Alle the efforts are rewarded with this important recognition, complemented by the “three hourglasses” award. A significant recognition, alongside the achievement of three hourglasses from Eg News in the “Vino per Tutti” (wine for everyone) guide, which crowns a year full of accolades and satisfaction for the winery and its Korì Pas Dosè!

The winery is among the oldest cooperative wine producers in Italy. For 79 years, Cincinnato has been a symbol of viticulture excellence in Cori and Lazio, at both the national and international level. With Korì Metodo Classico and Korì Pas Dosè, Cincinnato reaffirms itself among Italy’s wine excellences, and Bellone continues to captivate the palates of sommeliers, prestigious national and international experts, and, of course, wine lovers and enthusiasts of native grapes!